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News News

Broughton’s brand new bus

Broughton Community Transport (BCT) take delivery in a few weeks time of their brand new 15-seater adapted minibus. Any group in Broughton whom are members of BCT and trained to drive the vehicle can use the minibus. There are several ways that you can help.  If you have not already joined why not consider joining. After the membership fee it will only cost 50p per mile to use to vehicle, very much cheaper than hiring a minibus. We really do need new members; it is for use by Broughton.

We need new members on the Steering Group, including someone to help us with fundraising and to act as treasurer.

When we receive the vehicle we will be having a special event to launch the project with one of the youngest and one of the oldest people in Broughton.  More details will follow on this.  Our AGM on Tuesday 10 June at 7.30pm in the Rankin Room, Victory Hall. Why not come along and find out more?  If you would like to know more please contact Peter Fox

Broughton Rural Safety Group

Anti-social behaviour and crime are problems, which impact upon the quality of life of people in all parts of our county. It is important that all members of the community work together to produce an effective solution to these problems.

To this end officers from the Furness Rural Police Team have worked with local Broughton residents to introduce a Rural Safety Group covering the village of Broughton-in-Furness.

This group has been formed to address issues such as anti-social behaviour, vandalism, road safety, litter, fly-tipping and other local issues.

Local notice boards will shortly display details of how the system will work in the village of Broughton and the benefits which will hopefully follow, such as reduced opportunities for anti-social acts, deterrence to criminal activity, increased road safety and last, but not least, greater community spirit. 

If any Broughton resident would like further information please contact PC133 Tony Howson on .


Important changes at the Victory Hall

It is with regret that we are saying goodbye to Jan Nicholson. Jan, who has managed the Victory Hall with great enthusiasm and energy for the past six months, has tendered her resignation in order to be able to devote more time to her children. I am sure she takes with her the thanks of all who have had dealings with the Victory Hall in recent months.  Her departure coincides with the resignation of Keith Nixon who took over as caretaker six years ago. We all owe Keith a huge debt of gratitude for his generous commitment to the running of the Victory Hall over the years.  

It looked as if the trustees had a major problem to resolve but our advert drew a response from a very unexpected quarter. Julie Clucas, wife of the Victory Hall’s architect Peter Clucas (himself a committed supporter of the Victory Hall), applied for the combined post of caretaker and manager, a post to which has now been appointed. The trustees are delighted at this turn of events and wish to extend to Julie a very warm welcome to the Victory Hall.

Changes being made are the fitting of a sophisticated code lock to the front door of the building and the transfer of the manager’s office to the bar store with the installation of a window opening onto the foyer. This will give the manager much greater contact with people entering the building and help to make the Victory Hall even more welcoming.  Moving the office will encourage a more efficient use of available space.

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